Exceed Housing Association Limited Birmingham
Quality Housing for the vulnerable
Exceed is a non-profit organisation set up to support vulnerable people to live an independent and meaningful life and to promote their well being through the provision of decent accommodation, care, support and supervision.
Our support services are enhanced through the close working relationships we are developing with Local councils and local authorities and other providers to support our customers and residents.
Fulfilling your support needs
As part of our goaI to support local vulnerable people we not only provide accommodation, but a range of services, tailored to each of our clients needs. We appreciate the different cultural, physical and emotional requirements many of our clients are looking for, and feel our experience in supporting a wide spectrum of clients, helps us as an organisation to fulfil these requirements.
Short term and Intensive support
We work with people who have a wide spectrum of needs, ranging from those who require short term support to regain their independence to people with complex needs who require intensive support to enjoy a good quality of life. These people include the homeless, people with mental health problems, some form of disability or suffering from drug and substance abuse.